The last few weeks of Year Three have been the most hectic rollercoaster ride in the world. I do not think I have ever changed one piece of work so much as I have in the last few days. Repeating loads of different processes such as pinning up lots of fabric, then taking it all down again an hour later, restarting the process and adding material, moving the fabric around and getting more and more ideas flowing. As much as it was a painful experience having to make work and then for it not to last, it's quite intriguing making things that are in some way going through a journey themselves while I’m developing these install experiments.
Preparing the studios has been another rollercoaster we’ve had to deal with before even starting the development of our show. From painting walls, clearing studios and taking out nails, it's been one busy time. Particularly clearing my space downstairs, which felt sad to leave but the pressure of the degree show had taken over by that point. Prep work began swiftly upstairs, filling all the holes left by the previous occupant then sanding the walls and cleaning the space before grabbing some white emulsion and getting on with it. Once painted (thankfully only needing one coat) the pressure of the show began.
In the final few days, I had been creating some last pieces for the show in the plaster workshop. I have been creating these lumps of mass out of plaster and spray painting them skin tone, hopefully, to display within my degree show space.