The definition of ambiguous is as follows “open to or having several possible meanings or interpretations;”. Originally, I was experimenting with documenting 3 different images that I could work with in my practice whilst also taking influence from artist Michaela Stark. I was investigating how I can conform my body, using materials like tape and rope to distort and maybe even enhance it. It was only after going through the images that there was one thing that struck me as quite strange. Even though I took the photos and had control of how I positioned my body and where I placed the tape, however, there was one image that I was confused and I couldn’t figure out where I took the image from, or what of. Thus, spurred on what would become my practice for the next few months. Out of taking one hundred different photos, this one really helped me push my practice further. Still, to this day, I do not know how I took that image or where. It seemed separate from my body and the shapes do not line up. This brings us to
the fact that I can’t really recreate these photos as the angle and shape of the skin is uncontrollable. Because I didn’t know how this photo was created, I wanted to build on these images. I didn’t feel like I had a starting point, I didn’t have any pointers on how to find these weird unrecognizable points on the body. After completing a few more photoshoots I realised that to get these ambiguous photos I needed to get close to get these strange, unknowns.
Following this, I did a proper photoshoot with a DSLR camera, and I was able to create these close-up, unidentifiable images. These I then manipulated in Photoshop to create these visceral images. To take this ambiguity even further, I decided I would print these onto fabric and create these rolls. This only made the images even more ambiguous.